Waiting Through Winter

Now that the sun is out (after several weeks of overcast and frigid temps) the sunny sights outside our windows look much more inviting! These are photos from today.

While I am waiting on winter...I am busy keeping up with family life and creating time to really rest. For me this means really taking time for myself to: have quiet time before the sun is up (and kids) , good sleep, excersize, and eat well.

With the near zero temperatures and below outside, our farm house has been chilly so I have been on a tea kick and am usually found wrapped in my "maxi" sweater! I favor herbal teas, however, this Hot Spicy Cinnamon is a black tea that is flavored with orange peel, cinnamon and clove. I really like it but it is definately not a for everyone flavor! I think someone has commented that it could "grow hair on your chest!" I guess I like it strong.
A friend 20 years ago in Cheboygan, Michigan really blessed me with tea time. Teri had been to England and was always inviting me over for tea. I was a young mom of 2 little ones then and was new to the community and knew no one. It was a blessing that she took me in as a friend as I was an "outsider." She helped me out when I ran for vice president of the little preschool in town and she was there to encourage me when I had our Levi with special needs. She has sinced passed away from cancer. Her friendship was a hard loss for me. Yet when we moved away God put some very sweet neighbors on either side of me for a total of about 15 years. Amy (49), Arlene( 90), and I have all moved away from the old subdivision. They are both several states away now but I still call them and share prayer requests and life with them. I am very thankful for them both. Now that we have moved to Alden I have met many nice flower friends and am building another network of present and supporting ladies to have tea with on Tuesdays!

I am proud of a few of our farm-stand plants that we are over-wintering up at the house. I tried to choose plants that could tolerate low light settings when they would be locked up in sheds every afternoon with just indirect light from the sky or side lights. They are really doing well. Out of 5 of them these two are really thriving on our pantry window sill. One has died back from over watering and has not recovered. I am not as green when it comes to indoor plants so this is pretty exciting!

I would like to hear what you are all doing too as you "wait through winter" Exciting or mundane it's nice to stay connected!
Comment & Reply to: olgloryflowers@gmail.com

There is a story behind this groomer glistening in the sunlight. It was a hidden gift from God... really! I will tell you about it next time! Blessings from Ol' Glory!