Looking Back At Serendipity

It was kind of a stressful day 2 summers ago, lots of responsibility weighing on our heads and health issues looming for two of our kiddos. So we went out again for an cool evening walk on the farm to think and revisit our priorities. Once again we walked and talked through the stressers of the day, we confirm our next doctor visits, then we started letting the problems of the day go and we started dreaming ahead as we walked our back field.
Jeremy began revisiting his dream of making a groomed ski trail around our property like we left behind when we moved to our farm full-time and sold our house. When we moved we moved away from the VASA trail right in our back yard. We had been on Craig's List the year before looking at used grooming equipment and then we looked up new equipment... Yikes, that was an expensive thought! So we walked and revisited our best idea of an old matress spring. Then we recalled the thought of a roller like they had at the VASA... but where could we find one of those used?
As we walked we went by these huge row of red pines in our field. I momentarily left our converstion and walked closer to look under their teepee like branches that swayed low to the ground. I peeked into see any signs of wildlife hiding under them.
I did not see a baby deer like I had envision but I found instead a surprise from God!
Well, at first I thought, " It couldn't be." Then I thought, "I have to be seeing wrong."
"Jeremy look at this!" We both crouched under the limbs to see a rusty old farm roller! Our former owners, a generation or two back, must have parked it next to the row of tree but as the years went by the trees grew so tall and wide they covered up the roller hiding it from sight.
After examining it for 10 minutes we returned to our walk. We were smiling all the way back to our house thinking again about God's love and thoughtfulness towards us. We may have not been able to solve our family health issues that evening, but we came back to the house with a resolve again that God, in Heaven, is still listening to our prayers. And He's giving us a reminder thast His ear is bent toward our dreams!